Thursday, September 30, 2010

Verizon Launches Trade-In Program For Old Phones

Verizon has introduced a new program that might be interesting for those of you out there that are wanting to get a little cash back from your old cellphones and don't want to be bothered with the eBay or Craigslist route. The program is called the Verizon Wireless Trade-in Program.

Under the new program you can trade in any wireless device, working or not, for credit towards a Verizon wireless purchase in the form of a gift card. The one downside however is as with many of these trade-in programs Verizon doesn't offer much money for your device. For instance, a working iPhone 3GS with a cracked screen will get you a messily $12.60 while the same device with a screen that is undamaged will get the user $36. On the upside however the service might be a safer alternative than going through the standard reselling procedures as I'm sure Verizon will be extra careful to remove any and all user data before doing anything else with the phones.

The service is fairly straight forward and easy to use. Select your phones manufacture, select the model and then check off a few questions such as: Does the display work? Once the device is appraised you then have the option to agree to the appraisal. Once this is complete Verizon will send you a prepaid envelope to ship them you phone. Your Verizon Wireless gift card will arrive within 2 weeks of receipt of your device and can then be used as cash at Verizon stores.

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