Thursday, December 15, 2011

Boosting the app-eal of car insurance

The leading price comparison site in the UK,, has released the first ever iPhone app to be centered on car insurance. The Moneysupermarket car insurance app gives customers the chance to compare and even purchase car insurance premiums on their smartphone.

Car insurance comparison sites like Moneysupermarket are always looking for ways to improve their service for their customers and this app is set to do just that. Drivers can save an average of £375 on their car insurance in the palm of their hand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required of drivers is a couple of minutes to enter details about their current circumstances and, if necessary, their current insurance policy. The app will then scour the internet for the best deals available at that time and deliver them straight to the handset so the driver can pick and choose which one is best for them.

Julie Fisher, car insurance expert at, commented: “The cost of running a car has been increasing markedly over the last few years, with petrol prices on the up and car insurance a yearly necessity for all drivers. People are naturally keen to take action, and shop around to switch to the best possible car insurance deal.

“The launch of the MoneySupermarket Car Insurance App has made it even easier for people to find the right car cover for the best possible price – allowing people to compare a huge range of quotes quickly and easily – anytime, anywhere. It’s another example of how MoneySupermarket is helping people to make the most of their money.”

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