Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Google Giving Away Free Google TV Devices

Google has always taken care of their developers giving way things like free Android Phones in the hopes to spike some interest and get those developers working. Now that the Google TV device is out there in the wild Google hopes to peak a little interest there too. So what's Google to do, well have a giveaway off course!

As they’ve announced on their Google TV blog, the search giant is giving away 10,000 Google TV units to various web developers. Yes, 10,000 and yes web developers. The giveaway is meant to spur developers into making optimized sites for Google TV — not necessarily app developers. I'm sure however both are welcome to apply.

According to the post over the next few weeks, Google will be handing out the Google TV devices to help urge developers to start building for TV.

As of post time, yesterday morning, Google had planned to give away more than 3,000 Google TV devices to attendees of the Adobe MAX conference. Additionally, they’ll be reaching out to thousands of web developers in the Google Code community to offer them a free device. Finally, if you are a professional web developer who wants to help make the Google TV experience even better and you don’t happen to fall into one of those two groups, Google is inviting you to submit an entry to their Google TV Web Developer Promotion and include a short summary about the type of interesting website your company would like to create or optimize for Google TV. From those entries the company will select 2,500 winners to receive a free Google TV device.

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