Wednesday, November 26, 2008

AMD Announces Price Cuts

Hexus.Net is reporting that AMD has announced another round of price cuts, slashing CPU prices up to 20% in some cases.

AMD sent out a newsletter to its channel partners today confirming earlier predictions of a December price cut. The cuts will be effective as of the start of December but the new prices weren't published in the newsletter.

Hexus.Net has posted what they figure would be the new estimated prices.

Product Old price ($) New price ($)
Phenom X4 9950 BE 186 175
Phenom X4 9850 BE 180 165
Phenom X4 9750 170 154
Phenom X3 8750 134 124
Phenom X3 8650 123 104
Athlon X2 6400+ 102 87
Athlon X2 6000+ 95 77
Athlon X2 5600+ 88 70
Athlon X2 5400+ 78 66
Athlon 64 LE-1640 ~40 36.50
Phenom X4 9750B 224 165
Phenom X3 8600B - 110
Athlon X2 5400B - 71

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